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Crave Change. Crave Excitement.

Staff Spotlight: Jessy Orth

Jessy Orth is the associate director of our Wichita campus, and we had a great time hearing her story this month! She’s been with Crave Beauty Academy for over ten years, and even completed her education here before she was hired! Kim McIntosh was a member of the faculty when Jessy attended school here, and now they get to work together. She’s someone who works hard to make things happen, and is a vibrant and integral part of our day-to-day in Wichita!

An Upbringing in Beauty

Jessy looked to her mother as an example of how beauty school can help you have a fun and fruitful career. Her mother had been a stay-at-home mom so she was ready to do something for herself. She attended hair school when Jessy was in high school, and Jessy saw her mother’s love and passion for cosmetology. . Jessy often joined her mother at the salon and fell in love with the environment. When she graduated high school she moved to Wichita to pursue cosmetology.

When asked why she moved two and a half hours away from home to attend what is now Crave Beauty Academy, Jessy said:

“[Crave] was really well known for everything that it did with the community. There were other closer choices that I could have gone with, but I had a friend who went to [Crave] for esthi right out of high school and she spoke very highly of it. The moment I came down for the tour I paid my admin fee right then and there. I just knew it was where I wanted to be.”

Jessy worked in a salon for about two and a half years and then found herself pregnant and wondering how to best support her child through her career. She came to the conclusion that getting her educator license would help her be ready for anything that came her way, so she emailed Crave to ask about the program. The school was hiring at the time, so she was invited to a job interview instead! The school hired Jessy on and provided the instructor program at the same time, and she’s been with Crave ever since!

Jessy’s Role at Crave

Jessy currently works as Crave Beauty Academy’s associate director at the Wichita campus, and she continues to teach as a master educator. She does more administrative things with educators and with keeping the school running smoothly, and she helps with teaching on occasion as well. Students love when they get to have Jessy in the classroom. She’ll even work the salon floor to help students and clients. Her job is to help the school run smoothly on a daily basis!

Why Jessy Loves Crave

When asked why she loves Crave Beauty Academy, Jessy said:

“I just love everything about Crave. We’re just one big family and our students are great. I also love our curriculum. It’s great for our students. It just improves every year from when I was a student. Kim is very focused on adding all the trending stuff and adding anything that can help our students learn. She searches for any way she can better the students and the education.”

On top of what she mentioned above, Jessy also loves how involved Crave is with the community and how much the school goes above and beyond for the students!

Advice For Future Students

Jessy provides some excellent advice for people who are considering a beauty career:

“Cosmetology isn’t just about playing with hair, there’s more to it than what you might think. We learn chemistry, anatomy, trichology, body parts, the way colors mix, and it’s a lot more than people think. Some students don’t even realize that they will have tests and have classroom learning. I try to help prepare people because it is a lot of work and sometimes it feels even like a job, but it’s worth it. There are so many opportunities in the industry that people can choose, whether they want to work behind the chair or not throughout their career. Cosmetology is the one job you can’t sell on the internet. You can’t get a haircut online!”

Join the Crave Family!

If the beauty industry is your calling, Crave Beauty Academy can become your new home! With passionate instructors and staff waiting to help you along the way, Crave is a place where you can be successful. Contact us to learn more about our programs and how to get started!

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